gentlewave root canal procedure

What is the GentleWave Root Canal Procedure?

The Gentlewave root canal procedure offers a high-tech solution to the traditional root canal procedure. With this method, you may experience little to no discomfort and have longer-lasting success than conventional methods. At Apex Endodontics, we have invested in this technology and we are authorized to providers for patients who need root canal treatments. 

Find out more about what makes the GentleWave so innovative and how it compares to traditional root canals:

How Does the GentleWave Root Canal Work?

The GentleWave root canal procedure uses sound waves and fluids to more effectively reach deeply into the canals of a tooth. By getting into the smallest crevices of the tooth, this system can clean out bacteria, infected debris, and inflamed pulp that other systems cannot reach.

To get deeper cleaning and disinfection of the innermost portions of the root canals, the GentleWave system creates a vortex of treatment fluids that swirl around the inside of the tooth. These quickly moving fluids can debride and disinfect areas that traditional files cannot reach, such as extra canals or very tiny openings. No other cleaning system uses GentleWave’s patented technology, making it unique among root canal treatment options in the endodontic field.

How Does the GentleWave Procedure Differ from a Traditional Root Canal?

Traditional root canal treatments require the doctor to make a pilot hole in the tooth. Through this hole, the doctor inserts tiny files to remove infected and inflamed material from inside the tooth. Using files poses several potential problems for a traditional root canal procedure, though.

These files can only reach into canals oriented vertically to the opening. For some canals that sit horizontally, files cannot reach into the spaces to clean them out. Additionally, exceptionally small spaces where files cannot fit into may go uncleaned.

The GentleWave system decreases the need to rely on files to clean out teeth.  The activated fluids can reach into places where files cannot. Therefore, your tooth gets cleaned more completely, reducing the chances of future problems with the tooth.

Thanks to using Gentlewave activated fluids that can reach small spaces, less tooth structure needs to be removed to clean the inside of your tooth. This can allow for a less invasive procedure compared to traditional root canals. Also, patients often report lower discomfort levels compared to traditional root canals.

What Are the Benefits of the GentleWave Root Canal Procedure?

This system offers several advantages over traditional root canal procedures that use files.

1. Less Pain and Minimally Invasive

Most patients report minimal discomfort after the Gentlewave system is used. The Gentlewave also provides us with the opportunity to perform minimally invasive root canal procedures. 

2. Better Cleaning of Infected Root Canals

Gentlewave energized fluids are not bound by a physical shape like files are. Therefore, they can remove bacteria and infected pulp from places that files cannot access.

For example, a study compared traditional cleaning to the GentleWave method in a simulated test. The traditional cleaning method using rotary instruments and needle-administered irrigation only cleaned out 67.8% of the debris from the tooth. The GentleWave dramatically outperformed this rate by cleaning out 97.2% of debris inside the studied molar. Consequently, the GentleWave appeared to more effectively clean out infected matter from teeth during root canal procedures.

Who Can Administer the GentleWave?

Only specially trained and authorized endodontists and dentists can offer the GentleWave procedure. Therefore, you will have to ask for this option at your provider to see if they offer it. At Apex Endodontics in Colorado Springs, we have invested in the Gentlewave system and all of our providers are trained in using the device. 

Is the GentleWave Appropriate for All Patients?

The GentleWave procedure may not be appropriate for every patient who needs a root canal treatment. You will need to consult with an endodontist approved to provide the GentleWave procedure to find out if you can have this treatment. Some patients with unique tooth anatomy may not qualify for the GentleWave.

Contact Apex Endodontics to See If You Qualify for a GentleWave Root Canal Procedure

To find out if you can benefit from a root canal procedure with the GentleWave, you need to first consult with an endodontist. The professional should have training in administering this procedure. Contact us at Apex Endodontics to schedule a visit for your root canal. We can discuss the treatment options that are best tailored to your specific needs, which may include the GentleWave or other methods that we offer.